Copper Queen Community Hospital is proud and excited to have a variety of TeleMedicine programs. TeleMedicine use computers that will electronically send real-time video and images to hospitals and specialists in Phoenix and Tucson to provide patients with the best possible care. This system brings consultative expertise to a new level because CQCH physicians can work in tandem with specialized physicians and staff at other hospitals. With TeleMedicine, the patient can be assessed immediately rather than having to wait or be transported to another department or location. Telemedicine is offered in both Emergency Departments, our In-Patient unit as well as all three of our Rural Health Clinics.
TeleCardiology brings to CQCH the expertise of cardiologists with Pima Heart in Tucson for emergency patients, as well as those hospitalized for cardiac care.
TeleEndocrinology brings CQCH the expertise of Tucson Medical Center’s adult endocrinologist, Dr. Shubh Preet Kaur. Using computer technology and a secured confidential internet connection, patients and Dr. Kaur are able to see one another face to face from different cities. During the TeleEndocrinology appointment, Dr. Kaur reviews the patient’s medical history, medications, lab work and is able to listen to the patient’s heart and lungs with the assistance of the Copper Queen Medical Associates – Douglas Clinic staff. Through telemedicine, patients can receive adult endocrinology care and no longer travel to Tucson.
TelePediatrics connects specialty care service to sick and injured children in Cochise County with Banner – Diamond Children’s Hospital in Tucson. Physicians at the Tucson hospital will be able to triage and diagnose a child admitted to the CQCH Emergency Department via TeleMedicine. About 10 percent of all patients seen at the hospital’s Emergency Department are children.
The TeleStroke program connects CQCH emergency staff with neurologists at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale. Using computer and video equipment, a physician at the Mayo Clinic can view the patient and any relevant tests to determine the patient’s condition and the appropriate course of action.
TeleRadiology is the highest-quality care radiology services and x-ray readings with fast turnaround and 24/7 support.
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